Learn About Larger Health Issues Related to Menstruation
If you are experiencing pain beyond discomfort with your menstrual cycle we urge you to dive deeper into your health to find the cause.
Start with the articles to the right, then check out our other articles and free resources.
Gut Health and the Menstrual Cycle
By Traci Howell
The gut can impact our hormones! The gut helps your body function at the highest capacity that it can. When the gut is out of alignment, this can affect your menstrual cycle. It can even affect your PMS symptoms.
Ending the Stigma Surrounding Menstruation
By Allison Woods
Menstruation is a biological function that regularly occurs in every woman’s life, which is why it should be discussed more often. The process occurs during a greater part of a woman’s life, starting from their pre-adolescence until the late middle age. A girl’s curiosity regarding this monthly cycle can even start at an earlier age, as previously discussed in one of our articles regarding periods.
Naturopathic Medicine and PMS Management
Guest Post by: Katherine (Tori) Lutz
Naturopathic Medicine and PMS Management
Over 80% of women experience PMS before their menstrual cycle each month. Some women’s symptoms can be so intense that they’re forced to miss school, work, or sit out of everyday activities, however, don’t stress. There are ways to help prevent some of these symptoms and most are easier than you think!
How To Complete A Breast Self Exam
It’s October, which means breast health is taking its turn in the spotlight. Every year, right around this time, breast health and the warnings of breast cancer are everywhere.
And frankly, it can be downright scary to see all the information flooding your feed.
You might start to worry if you’re checking the right way. If you’re checking often enough. If your breasts are normal. You might panic about what you think is a lump. You might be experiencing pain in your breasts.
With all these sensations and the constant stream of breast health, you might freak out.
We’re here to help take this anxiety off of your shoulders and bring you the facts in today’s article.
(more…)Tips For Handling Fibroids From A Holistic Practitioner

“My sister is scheduled for a hysterectomy next Wednesday. She has been bleeding heavily (about a menstrual cup an hour and needing to use Depends as a backup, because when the cup leaks it’s a flood) since the beginning of October. She finally got her results from the ultrasound and it looks like a lot of fibroids, one the size of a softball. While doing surgery they plan to repair a hernia, and they said they could keep the ovaries. They said because of the size of the fibroids and the bleeding they need to do the hysterectomy. She has reached out to me to see if she has any other options. She does not want to remove her uterus in haste.” (more…)
Before you reach for your next tampon, take this quiz to check your knowledge of the signs & symptoms of TSS. Your knowledge could save a life!

This weekly email series is designed to teach you everything you need to know about choosing healthier alternatives that reduce your risk of TSS.
Endometriosis affects 1 in 10 women in the US and has an average diagnosis time of 7 years. How much do you know about the disorder?