So hi, I haven’t gotten my first period yet and I’m 12, but this is how I imagine it…

I’m at home just waking up at 7am like normal, and I go to the bathroom (as usual when I wake up) and I’m about to wipe myself, but I see some red ucky stuff on my panties. I already know about periods. So I start panicking because I think it is my FIRST PERIOD!!!!!! I get excited and get my panties off and quickly get to my room while my parents are asleep. I get new panties and a pantyliner. Put it on and get dressed for school.

When my mom wakes up I tell her and she says, “that’s brilliant,” and I stay home and after my dad goes to work at 8am me and my mom go to the shop and buy period supplies (like a lot, my mom overreacted) and she bought some sweets and drinks to celebrate my first period.


This is how I imagine my first period. Hope you liked it 🙂

By Alice

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