The temperatures are cooling down, the days are getting shorter, and school is back in session. Fall is upon us, and with it, comes a brand new routine. Often times, autumn is the beginning of busier schedules, cluttered calendars and ever-growing to-do lists. During this time of year, it’s all too easy to let self-care fall by the wayside.
In the midst of all of this activity, your period can become one more thing to be dealt with or checked off a to-do list. In fact, it’s common to try to work through or ignore your period altogether! As grown women and mothers of teenage daughters, it is so important that we take the time to establish healthy and manageable routines to effectively nourish our body and minds all the time – but especially during our menstrual cycles.
Self-care (just like periods!) can get a bad wrap for being inconvenient or impractical in the midst of school, work, and other obligations. The fact is, that couldn’t be further from the truth! We’ve rounded up our favorite techniques for taking care of our bodies during our periods. And since they’re all relatively quick and simple, each of these can easily fit into your back-to-school routine! Can you say, win-win?
Here are our top nine tips for managing menstrual discomfort during this season: READ MORE… »