how to make a menstrual cycle calendar

By Cynthia –


First of all, if you just got your first period, welcome to the club! We have cookies and chocolate (and we’ll share!) With the arrival of your first period comes the need to start keeping track of your menstrual health. How are you supposed to do that, you might ask? By creating a menstrual calendar! Today’s blog post will show you how to make your very own menstrual cycle calendar, and why it’s important.

Let’s do some clarification before the actual calendar
A menstrual cycle is NOT the only days you are actually bleeding (A.K.A. the period). In fact, a menstrual cycle is the number of days from one period until the next period. So, if this is your first period, start counting! Count from the first day of your period (first bleeding day) until the first day of your next period. When your next period starts, you stop counting – and now you know your length of your first menstrual cycle. Below is an example with an actual calendar. For example, if your period began on the 1st of January, and your next period is on the 2nd of February, then that adds up to a 32-day menstrual cycle. On the 2nd of February when your next period starts, you start counting again.