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Okay, this question is kind of confusing. Two years ago, I went to South Korea for a 10 day trip. I counted it out, and my period was supposed to start sometime during the trip. I wore pads the entire time, but it did not start until two days or so after I got back. I lost weight on the trip, since I did not like all of the food offered. My period had been happening on time, so this confused me. Ever since it has been on time, and next month I am going to South Korea again for 10 days. I counted it out and double checked, and it is supposed to happen again during the trip. Should I plan on it possibly happening, or not take anything considering what happened last time? (since I will not eat as much as I normally do and lose weight)
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I would bring something just in case you do get it you'll have what you need and it won't catch you completely off gaurd Marked as spam
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Although I have had no experience I have had my period almost come on a trip. My first tip (if getting a menstrual cup is not an option) is to bring a ziploc bag full of cat litter or paper towels and when you are done using your disposable products put them in the bag. I typically have a backpack with that I usually put the ziplock bag in along with my products. My second tip is getting a menstrual cup. All you have to do is wash it or wipe it with something after reinserting it after about 12 hours (as menstrual cups can be kept in for up to 12 hours). My personal favorites are the Lily Cup and the Lily Cup Compact (these can be purchased pretty much anywhere. Anyways... Good luck and have fun!
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