Questions & Answers for those Seeking Better Periods!

How long after breast development will my daughter start her period?


My daughter is currently 10 years old (As of July). She has just in the last two months started to grow in the chest area. Her pediatrician advised me that it would likely be another two years or so before she would get her first period.

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The clue in, is when you start to grow armpit and pubic hair. If your daughter is pretty well developed in the breast area, you should probably talk to her about body hair, possibly talking to her about how ladies shave their armpits and legs, and gently ask if there is hair growing other places. If she IS, that should tell you that ANYTIME it could happen. If she's not yet, ask if she will let you know when she starts noticing hair. If you haven't had the period talk yet, now is the prime time to do that!  Good Luck!

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 The average is 2 to 2 1/2 years from breast buds till starting to menstruate 

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