Questions & Answers for those Seeking Better Periods!

Hurts to Remove Tampon


I put a tampon in for the first time six hours ago. I’m only thirteen but I really wanted to go in the pool and obviously you can’t swim with a pad. It’s full definitely and it’s not dry. It won’t come out and it really hurts when I pull hard. I already tried it submerged in water and that didn’t help, it won’t budge. Help?

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 So tomorrow im going to Six Flags, and we are staying in this hotel with an indoor swimming pool. I wanted to swim (im only 13) but of course im on my period. So i put atampon in and felt goood but I went to take it out and it wont move and it is to painful and I cant relax.

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 Um Im 13 and got my first period in may and my mum told me about tampons so I gave it a go and it was horrible, it hurt putting it in and pulling it out . When I tried to pull it out it would'nt come out and It hurt so bad but I looked in a mirror and had to move the skin around so I could get it out so I just use pads now but I know how you feel when you say it hurts. Sorry if I did not help but get a mirror or something and move the skin and stuff around the tampon then pull. Hope I helped.

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 The best thing to do is lie down, preferably on the bathroom floor. Very gently grasp the string, and move it a little from side to side, never continue if you are  in acute pain. If you REALLY can't getit out yourself, tell an adult and go to your doctors.

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