Questions & Answers for those Seeking Better Periods!

I am 13 and I don’t know when my period is going to be here

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So I been having discharges for awhile and like a couple weeks ago I found light pink spot in my under wear and now it hasent happen again and I weight about 109 I have little boobs so am I close ????:)

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 Your first period will be very light, basically just spotting.  You may just have very little spotting for a day or two to begin with.  It may be fairly regular (every 28 days or so) or you might have more time in between.  It is totally normal.  As you continue to have periods they will become heavier and last longer.

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 I sort of disagree with that, Emily.  I was 10 when I got my period, and my mom (yes, she is my birth mom) said she was 13 when she got hers.



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Ask your mother when she started, this should be a good indication of when you might start. Also if you notice bigger boobs that can tell you also.

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