Questions & Answers for those Seeking Better Periods!

I am wondering is if anybody has had an irregular period this extreme?


Hey everyone! Okay so I am 17 years old and I’ve been getting my period since I was about 12 years old. It used to come every month and was pretty normal. However, now it comes every 4 to 5 months. I read all the possible reasons behind irregualar periods and I don’t seem to have any of those problems. (Extreme weight loss, eating disorder, extreme exercise, pregnant, etc.) So basically what I am wondering is if anybody has had an irregular period this extreme ? And I know I should go to the doctor about it but I’m a little nervous and curious as to what they would do.

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 Hi Sasha!

Don't be nervous. There is always a solution.

When the regularity of your cycles has changed so drastically, I highly recommend going to see your doctor. They will most likely to a blood test checking hormone levels.

Have you had any other symptoms? Such as pain, mood swings, excessive hair growth, more acne, etc?

Anything you're experiencing is helpful in finding a solution.

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