Questions & Answers for those Seeking Better Periods!

im almost 11 and my thats when my mom got hers does that mean im starting at 11 too?

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Posted by cherish
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Private answer

Not necessarily. Although it is most likely you will get it around the same time as your mom, its not always guaranteed. My best friend got hers at 11 when her mom got it at 17! Everyone's body is different so there is a chance you may start earlier or later than your mom however its best to start preparing and talk to your mom about buying products just incase when you get close to the same age she got hers.

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Posted by Anonymous
Private answer

My mom got hers when she was 4 and my sister got hers before 5th grade (idk what age she was tho) and I'm 11 and haven't gotten mine, so I guess your period at a different age but I think it's more likely you get yours at a age similar to your moms.

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Posted by Anonymous
Well it depends. you could get it before your mom or after you're mom. Every one's body is different!
(Anonymous at October 7, 2024 7:23 pm)

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