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Is exsessive bleeding after having a coil put in normal?

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I’ve just had a coil put in, after the operation I felt fine but about a week later I started bleeding heavy again. My peroid flow has always been heavy which is why I had the coil inserted. I’m in my mid 40s and I’ve been to countless doctors and not much has changed. Does anybody else suffer from this? If so, did you find a solution that worked for you?

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as you said you just put it in... try too wait about ione month or so go to the doctor.. and just check to see if its normall... maybe it got out of plce... Good Luck!

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By coil, do you mean Paragard IUD? The copper-T intrauterine device? If so, I can tell you that I experience heavier than normal bleeding for the first few periods after insertion. They reduced back to a normal flow rate after that, but they did not become less heavy than prior to insertion. Cramping was also more painful during the first few periods, but that also reduced to a normal amount for my body. 

Mirena, the non-copper progesterone based IUD has been known to stop bleeding in women. Perhaps that device would be a better choice if you're wanting to reduce, or stop your flow. There are also birth control pills on the market known to provide the same result. The benefit of the IUD is that it's not something you have to remember to take, and it lasts for many years.

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