Questions & Answers for those Seeking Better Periods!

Is my period causing me to be depressed a week before it starts?

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So a week before my period I felt depressed and down and I cried over stuff.. Well the next week I now feel kinda sad still and like I don’t love anything or enjoy anything.. And I wonder if it is because of my period? Will it get better once the period is over? Is it my hormones?

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  Hi ladies,

All of these feelings can be attributed to PMS. However, it doesn't have to be this way. PMS can be caused by a number of things but one in particular is the drop in estrogen and serotonin soon after ovulation. This brings about feelings or sadness, depression, anger and even rage for many women. 

The good news is that estrogen starts rising right after your period so you will feel great for most of your cycle, it's only the week before and the beginning of your period that you might feel these symptoms. 

You want to make sure to eat foods that are very rich in B vitamins as the B vitamins help us make serotonin which is the happy brain chemical. Whole grains like brown rice and quinoa and leafy green veggies like kale, swiss chard and spinach are all a great place to start. Make sure to include these in at least one meal a day.

Hope this helps! :-)

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This happens to me too! It makes me soooo miserable!

Im glad im not alone! 

I've noticed it's better to not dwell on the depressing things in life and try to keep a good mindset. 

Think of all the great things you have going for you!


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 I get annoyed easily before and early in my period.  Nobody needs to do anything wrong; I just feel like snapping at everyone and everything.  When I realize what time of the month it is, I can dismiss these feelings for what they are.  They don't just magically go away, but they become managable.  I'm sorry, but my PMS is no reason to snap at people who are just going about their own merry day.

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 Hi! You're just pms-ing. (pre menstrual symptoms). Once your period ends you will go back to normal, and it is caused by hormones. Some good things to do durring those two weeks:

Dance (why not?)

Drink hot choclate or tea

Spend time with your friends

Go outside and enjoy summer


Watch your favorite show or find a new one 

Do your nails

Play with your pets

If you find this depression really gets you down, to the point where it disturbs your daily life, please talk to your doctor. He/she can help! 

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