Hi! So, I am a 17 year old virgin and after much talk and conflict with my mom, I finally convinced her to let me order a lunette menstrual cup. I have done a lot of research on it and as someone who gets irritated and UTIs from disposable menstrual products, it sounded like a good idea, especially since I prefer tampons to pads, but don't like to wear them that often due to the risk of TSS.
My mom is still really uncertain about the menstrual cup and she is making me quite nervous. She seems sure that the cup is going to cause some sort of health issue and I am going to end up having to go to the doctor, which would be a problem because my family can't even afford a doctor at this time.
I've looked all over the place, trying to find out what's the worst that could happen with a menstrual cup and I haven't really found any stories or risks directly associated with using a cup, except a few talking about how removal can be difficult if the cup inverts or goes to high up.
So, I have two questions. Are there any real risks when using a menstrual cup, and how can I avoid this? And what are your guys' best advice for using a cup?