Questions & Answers for those Seeking Better Periods!


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okay so here’s the deal. I’m scared!!! im scared that once I have my period, it will be at school. what I mean is, im scared that I will be at gym, outside, and wearing white pants. im scared that when I have my period, I will leak and everyone will see. i’m also scared to tell my 2 boy gym teachers. but if somehow I find a way to tell them, how would I go without anyone seeing the blood because the nurse is inside and we are outside. WHAT SHOULD I DO!!!!!!!!!!! Please Help Me!

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 If  I was you i would just put a little pad  on or bring some to school with you. I started my period in school but thank god that i was wearing a pad. I did not kown how to tell my gym teacher. So i just ask my grandma to write me a letter to my gym teacher and told him that i was not going to play gym for a few weeks.

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Chances are that when you first start your period it won't be a sudden strong flow, usually you'd just see some spotting at the beginning, so just wear a pantyliner, and have some pads with you in your schoolbag. I know when you don't know what to expect you can be a little nervous but it's most likely not going to be all that bad :) oh, and once you've gotten to know how much you usually bleed, after around 3 cycles, I suggest you look into reusable products. Just sayin' :)

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