Questions & Answers for those Seeking Better Periods!

Should I ask my mom for a Panty Liner even though I don’t have my period?


So, I’m eleven and I have a lot of discharge it feels like I have the entire ocean in my underwear I don’t have my period yet and I was wondering if I should ask my mom for a panty liner for the discharge even though I haven’t actually gotten my period. plus I think it would be nice to be prepared for when I do get my period so I don’t leak (I may still leak but at least I’ll be prepared) I’m just scared she’ll laugh or say no. I’m an only child so I dont have an older sister to turn to and all my cousins are either in their twenties or really rude. what should I do? I’m scared and weirded out too.

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Public question
Yeah, totally, if you have a lot of discharge and it is annoying you, panty liners are the best for you. Also, it will also prepare you for when you will need to wear proper pads. Don't be afraid to talk to her. She goes through it every month and she would have had to ask HER parents eventually. Don't be shy or embarassed, it is nothing to be embarassed about
(Anonymous at March 4, 2021 10:03 am)
Yes you should its natural
(Rihanna at December 26, 2021 9:40 am)
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Yes, totally, if you have tons of discharge and it's really annoying you, pantyliners are the best thing for you, and it will also prepare you to know what it feels like to wear a pad

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Posted by Anonymous
Yes I did.
(Lyla at April 25, 2023 9:46 pm)
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