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Tampon Trauma?

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So, I’m 11 years old, but worried about tampons.

What are they like?

Do they hurt?

I’m so confused. I wear pads but i’m going to a 3 hour opera on tuesday and am soo worried – what should i do? and do tampons feel weird? they sound painful


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No, tampons don't hurt at all. Once it's in, you shouldn't even feel it! If you do feel it after it's in, it might be because the tampon is in crooked, is not in far enough, or is in too far. If this happens, push the tampon up a little farther, or pull it back a little, or pull it out and start over with a new one.

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 Hi Laura,

The easiest way to tell if a tampon will work for you is try one, but if you don't feel comfortable with using one, don't worry! Many pad manufacturers offer pads that can be worn for ten hours (overnight pads, heavy flow pads, etc), and you'll be well protected.

If you do want to try a tampon, I would reccomend that you try one before your opera - you don't want to be focused on an uncomfortable tampon rather than the performance! If you insert it correctly, the most women can't even feel it, and find it very comfortable. If you feel uncomforable, take it out and try again with a fresh tampon. Taking it out can vary from absolutely fine to quite painful - the key is be relaxed. Deep breaths and wide legs all help!

On a personal note, I was an avid pad user and wouldn't wear a tampon if I could get away with it, as I found inserting and taking them out very painful! However, I've started using a mentrual cup, and am finding them much easier to use than anything before, so if you want to try one, I would heartily reccomend it!

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 Hey Laura ,

My suggestion for you is to read the pamplet in the box and actually look at a tampon! You will see the its a small piece of cotton! The plunger just makes it look sooo much scarier than it really is!  I used to wear pads and thats it but then I tried my first tampon and it was awesome! I feel so much cleaner! Its way better than sitting in the soiled pad! 

Hope I've helped a bit!

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Hey Laura, and anyone else reading this, tampons won't hurt as long as they are inserted properly and you use the right absorbency! I have been using tampons for a while now and I like them better because you don't feel anything! You also have to make sure that you don't leave them in for too long. Also if you are worried about leakage try wearing a liner as well. I definitely recommend tampax pearl to beginners. If you want more info on this or anything else you can email me at where I help girls out with their girly problems!

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I've used tampons for 10 years and I have felt uncomfortable with them, but only when I inserted them improperly or left them in too long. The best way to learn how to put in a tampon is to read the diagram that comes in the box. SERIOUSLY! That's how I figured it out, along with practice. I would definitely give it a test drive before you go to the opera, though. 

An important question to also think about is whether you still have your hymen? I'm not sure what the procedure is there because mine was broken as a kid and I never had to worry about that when I started my periods. 

Last year, I switched over to the menstrual cup. I highly recommend it to everyone. So much easier, less hassle, cheaper and I haven't had a leak in over a year. Just something to think about.

Good luck!

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I was 19 the first time I tried a tampon.  No matter what size of tampon I've ever used, I've always been uncomfortable wearing tampons.  I could ALWAYS feel them.  I know this isn't the case for everyone, and I don't say this to scare you - I just don't want you to feel that there's something wrong with you if you experience the same thing.  I thought there was something wrong with me until I started reading about other women's tampon experiences.  I don't have this problem with a menstrual cup, which I recommend above all other forms of feminine hygiene products.

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I started using tampons when I was 12. They were a lot better than pads for many reasons! But there's some negative things you need to keep in mind, too.

They don't feel like diapers. I always found pads uncomfortable and it always felt like someone could see it (even though they can't)! You can go swimming with them, unlike pads.

The thing about tampons is that after a while, you shouldn't feel them. At first, of course you will, but it shouldn't last. However, they should never hurt. If it hurts, then you may have either put it in wrong or the size may be too large for you (I could never use Super Plus size, because it hurts in my lower abdomen).

Make sure you read the pamphlet that comes with boxes of tampons. They have important instructions and safety information.

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Hi Laura,

Trying tampons makes a lot of girls nervous, you're not alone. Some girls will say they don't feel them at all, while others find them to be uncomfortable to wear, every girl's body is different. I would suggest you check out the article, "Is My Daughter Ready For Tampons?" It is has some great tips on getting started. Please let us know if there is anything else we can do to help. Good luck!

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