Questions & Answers for those Seeking Better Periods!

Using tampon as “back-up” to Softcup on Wedding Day?


Hi! I am a 35 year old woman who just started using the Instead Softcup a few months ago. Up until then I had been using tampons.  I have an especially heavy flow the first several days of my period and it is a bit hard to predict how often the Softcup is going to need changed. I am getting married in the beginning of July and will be on my period. (I am not on birth control, so I can’t “rearrange” my period to not be during that time) This month I have overflowed the Softcup several times with my menstrual blood and I REALLY don’t want that to happen on my wedding day when I am wearing a white dress!!!  Because of where the Softcup fits (unlike where the Diva Cup fits) I could wear a tampon as a back-up at least during the wedding ceramony and pictures. Does anyone know if that is safe or possible? Thank you!

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If you need a backup, check out Lunapads, Glad Rags, or Sckoon's cloth pads.

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 Hi! My name is Kaitlyn and I work for Softcup. First, congrats on getting married! Secondly, we strongly do not recommend using a tampon with Softcup - a pantyliner would be preferable. Though Softcup can be worn for 12 hours, not everyone gets the full wear time, but a good gauge is about twice as long as a tampon. I suggest changing Softcup sooner to avoid leakage. If you notice leaking within the first hour of insertion, it's probably not inserted correctly. Remember to aim back and down, rather than up like a tampon. My best advice to you is to change Softcup sooner, so as to avoid any messes. I hope this works - please let me know if you have further questions. And again. congrats! Enjoy your special day! 

~Kaitlyn S. 

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