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Hi! I am a 35 year old woman who just started using the Instead Softcup a few months ago. Up until then I had been using tampons. I have an especially heavy flow the first several days of my period and it is a bit hard to predict how often the Softcup is going to need changed. I am getting married in the beginning of July and will be on my period. (I am not on birth control, so I can’t “rearrange” my period to not be during that time) This month I have overflowed the Softcup several times with my menstrual blood and I REALLY don’t want that to happen on my wedding day when I am wearing a white dress!!! Because of where the Softcup fits (unlike where the Diva Cup fits) I could wear a tampon as a back-up at least during the wedding ceramony and pictures. Does anyone know if that is safe or possible? Thank you!
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