Questions & Answers for those Seeking Better Periods!

what do i do when period comes at school without me realesing

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Posted by Anonymous
Public question
If you have a sweatshirt/sweater, or maybe a friend or classmate has one, ask to borrow it to tie it around your waist. Go to the bathroom or the nurse, sometimes bathrooms will have pads but not always so the best choice is the nurse. If you bleed through your pants the nurse might have a pair you can use or you can ask to call your parent or guardian to bring you some. Its always best to keep a clean pair of underwear and some pads or tampons in your backpack just to be safe.
(Anonymous at April 29, 2024 8:08 pm)
if you have a good classmate/teacher they would tell you .
(holly at October 18, 2024 10:14 pm)

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