Questions & Answers for those Seeking Better Periods!

when i should talk to my mom about using tampons and i only had 2 periods


I’m 12.

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my mom says i should use a tampon when i am older but if you are doing a lot of activity or swimming you should talk to your mom but do not use a tampon without your mom i think.

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Posted by Gianna
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Girls all ages use tampons. Many girls that participate in activities like swimming, gymnastics or volleyball feel it is their only option. One of the most important things you can do is to show your mom that you can be responsible changing tampons regularly as there can be health concerns associated with tampons that you need to be aware of. I would suggest checking out the below articles so your mom can see you did your research before asking.


Here's some information to help you understand a bit more on how to use tampons if this helps!


Good luck!


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 Not yet. Using tampons can be difficult and especially at a young age. Stick to pads for now 

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