Questions & Answers for those Seeking Better Periods!

When should I start using a menstrual cup


I got my first period last month and i now hve it for the second time. I am using pads but i got invited to go to the pool. I heard about tampons but mom says they are stiff and uncomfterble and i shouldn’t use them. Then i heard about menstrual cups. I asked my mom about it but she had no idea what they were and im afraid im to young to use them (I’m 11). Am I?

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Many makers say that menstrual cups can be used from the very first period. They are soft and comfortable to use once you get used to using it, but there might be discomfort at first, do not worry, it soon passes off and you will soon be an expert like thousands of other girls.
(Christa at December 26, 2021 1:19 pm)
Of course you can use tampons, but not at the same time. Just about every girl uses tampons! Millions of girls! It is normal and does not hurt at all. The ones with plastic applicators are perfect for beginners, but do dispose carefully after use! A little KY or other lube (water-based) will help with sliding it in the first few times.
(Christa at December 26, 2021 1:20 pm)
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 Thnx sooooooooo mush really great advice =(-) 

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Congragulations on getting your period! I know it dosent seem like a good thing, but as a grown up I can tell you it is :). I suffered using pads way too long because they were what my mum used. In her day tampons were uncomfterable and dangerous. Now a days they are much better, and after all of her daughters started using them she does too now.

I invite you to diffrent kinds of tampons, pads, and cups and try them. Because every womans body is diffrent, we have diffrent prefrences of what we like to use. Some tampons are very uncomfterable for me, and some I don't even notice are there! I find OB ones are nice because they are so short.

Also know with any new thing it will take practice before you are comftorable puting them in and taking them out the right way. Try practicing with a pad for a couple days in case you have any leaks, untill you are confident in wearing them.

I highly recomend the instead cup over the other mentral cups, because there is no stem I find it much more comftorable. It is very safe, you can keep it in longer, and it is very flexable. They have disposable ones too which is nice if you are out of the house. I incurage you to try menstral cups because for me they are much more comftorable and cleaner ( I even got my old fashioned mum to try them).

Again welcome to this new phase of life, embrase it and don't let it stop you from enjoying life. Try lots of diffrent things and find what works best for your body. you may hat softcups (which I love) or love diva cups (which I hate) and thats ok :) .


P.S. try looking up videos about menstral cups with your mum so you both understand them better, your mum might even want to try them too. There are much better options for girls now then when she was young learning what she liked best.

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