Questions & Answers for those Seeking Better Periods!

Will using a menstrual cup stretch your vagina??

So I recently got my 17 magazine in the mail and saw this ad about “DivaCup” and i was curious so i started to look online about the product and what it was i even came across a bunch of others and which one was good for you and they size you should etc. but i have this one question which i cant seem to find the answer for anywhere. Will the diva cup stretch your vagina???
I ask because ive never used a tampon nor has anything gone up into my vagina ( im still a virgin ) so from one girl/ women to another what are your thoughts and opinions?? thanks in advance.


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 Hi there! 

I dont think its going to stretch your vagina out because your vagina is more flexiable on your period! Atleast thats why I've been told! Have you ever read about tampons and people say it wont do anything because your vagina is more flexable and what not?! I think its similar!  And like Liz said, your vagina is a muscle, it is made to be like elastic! It will return to it original form! 

Good luck doll! 



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Your vagina is a muscle, it is made to be like elastic and then returning to its original form.

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The diva cup conforms to your body rather than your body conforming around it (like a tampon), so no, it won't stretch you out.

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